
Monday 9 August 2021

Strange Weather.


Climate change is a real thing, we gardeners have seen the changes in the weather and the seasons over the years. So much rain again this year that once again the grotto canal in Carshalton Park is starting to fill with water, as the water table once again rises up above the invert of the canal.  

If we go back 5 days, it was not supposed to rain today and now it's supposed to rain all day, so for me that means an early shopping trip to my local supermarket today and then if the forecast is to be believed we should have 12 days of sun and temperatures in the low 20's which will allow me hopefully if my daughter is not dragged back into her office to work, some time to get down on the plot and on top of the weeds that have been having a field day. 

Recovery of a work load following lockdown has been slow, many enquires but few jobs that I can take on due to the restrictions of being a carer and having to fix site visits in around the daily support provided. My radius of operation has reduced dramatically, and I'm no longer happy with travelling into London on the tube due to the pandemic and the risks that are still out there as the government isn't really following the science anymore and is just looking for economic recovery at any cost.

I'm working my way from semi retirement slowly towards total retirement, and hopefully get to enjoy it for sometime before moving to a plot in the great allotment in the sky.    

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