
Sunday 15 August 2021

Dustbins & Sunday Visit

As you men & women, those of you that are gender fluid, greedy, confused or just have not made your minds up quite yet who visit my little Journal / Blog know, I'm a great fan of Freecycle and have found so many useful things for my plots:-

Paving Slabs, Paving Block, Concrete Kerbs, Daleks, Chicken Wire, Timber, Staging, Pots and Dustbins. 

Saturday I was lucky enough to be first to answer a Freecycle offer for two plastic dustbins, and arranged with the person offering to pick them up on my way to the allotment on Sunday morning. 

It turned out that there were actually three one older one that had been used as a true dustbin and two newer 80 litre dustbins with lids that had only been used to cool beer and drinks at parties and gatherings, but had been gathering dust in the basement. 

Lets face it no one has been holding that kind of gathering or event for the last couple of years due to the pandemic.

Due to a number or recent stressful events my wife is having a Lupus flare-up and as a result has lost a lot of mobility and is suffering from fatigue and extreme joint pain. She has not been able to stand unassisted and has needed to take to her bed. 

When this happens, It takes two of us to assist her to stand and I've been really thankful that Kelly has been working from home because there is no way I could manage to lift her on my own. I am a little worried about when they call Kelly back into the office.  

I could only collect and visit the plot today because my two wonderful daughters Emma & Kelly were there to look after their Mum and understand that their old Dad need to visit his playground to play with dirt, connect with nature and de-stress and help his mental wellbeing, and to some extent recharge. Emma gets Onions and Kelly gets sweetcorn as a reward for their kindness.

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