
Wednesday 14 July 2021

Wednesday Morning

Early morning visit to the allotment to find that one of the plot holders had locked the timber gates by putting the padlock on the bullnose ring to the latch - Doh!

They had also fly tipped all the weeds they cut / pulled up because of a no-cult letter on the main path!

I ended up erecting some bamboo framing around the Quadgrow's, mixing and feeding and topping up the Quadgrow's Smart Reservoir via the Nutrient Access Covers.

I then added the correct amount of Type A & Type B Nutrient to the 2 litre pop bottles of water that I will use to top up the Smart Reservoirs.

Despite all the white hoops the bloody fox managed to dig three holes in the Rhubarb bed!

I watered the onions and the Raspberries and noted that one was going red in the second bed which are Tulameen Pearl (mid season) variety.

I have more flowers and come to that actual tomatoes on the Micro Tom tomatoes in the space saver greenhouse at home than I do down on the allotment in the greenhouse and out on the plot.

It's a really strange year weather wise and so many plants are bolting or harvesting early, not germinating or just not growing as well as they have in previous years.

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