
Monday 3 May 2021

Tomatoes Seed Selection 2021


There are 145 varieties of Tomatoes in my Seed Box of which 19 are F1 and 14 are new varieties that have been added this year. I spent some time today deciding what varieties I will be growing this year. The growing area at home has greatly reduced, but I now have two narrow beds to use on Plot 1 and I also have the Quadgrows in the new greenhouse if it survives the high winds tonight. 

I'm using a 7 Row by 11 Column seed tray so I'm splitting the tray by 3 and 4 thus there are 22 possible varieties but as I'm also growing some micro Tomatoes for my daughters Nursery children and fellow nursery nurses there are two rows of 3 Micro Toms so that's 21 varieties to select this year.  

Sowing 4 seeds of the following varieties

Black Krim - S.Bassett MYP&Q Seed Circle 2018
Cherry Honeycomb F1 - Mr Fothergills 2021 <<<< NEW
Crimson Cherry F1 - 10 Seeds - Dobies - Saved 2021 - Cost £3.99 <<<< NEW
Crimson Crush F4
Crimson Plum F1 - 10 Seeds -  Suttons - Saved 2021 -  Cost £4.49 <<<< NEW
Gigantomo F1 - Premier Seeds Direct - Sow by 2021
One Hundreds and Thousands - Saved 2014 - Saved 2016
Principe Borghese - Mr Fothergills - 2020  <<<< NEW
Rapunzel F1 Saved 2018 
Reisetomate - 15 Seeds - Organic Gardening Seeds - £2.99 <<<< NEW
Rotkappchen - Kings Seeds

Sowing 3 seeds of the following varieties

Bloody Butcher - D.T.Brown 2020 <<<< NEW
Gold Nugget Gelbei - Mr Fothergill's - 2020 Sow By 2024  <<<< NEW
Losetto F1 - D.T.Brown 2020 <<<< NEW
Micro Tom -  Jungle Seeds bought 2018 and Self Saved 2018 
Mountain Magic - D.T.Brown 2020 <<<< NEW
Raspberry Oxheart - Seed Parade 2020 <<<< NEW
White Cherry - D.T.Brown 2020 <<<< NEW
Yellow Mimi F1 - Marshalls 2019 <<<< NEW
Venus Balcony - Russian Seed Company 2018 <<<< NEW
Veranda Red - 6 Seeds - Suttons -  £4.49

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