
Saturday 6 March 2021

SFG Bed 2


An early whizz to the allotment to get a couple of hours in between 7:45am and 10:00 and then home to get on with decorating once my good lady wife is up and out of the bedroom. So  I levelled the heap where the path in front is going and filled up a number of 30Litre buckets with soil and then compressed the soil with a scaffold board and my self weight. 

One can see the amount of roots that have come out of what is basically only half a bed that has been dug this morning. This area had Nettles, Brambles, Couch Grass and Mares Tail  before I covered it with weed membrane and a mixture of paving slabs and wood chips to deprive anything sunlight over 12 months ago.  

Typical example of roots systems that I'm bringing to the surface and gradually removing. 

Only one robin "Hardy" came today, he didn't have his thin mate "Laurel" with him, but I did enjoy watching him and listening to all his mates serenading me this morning when I stopped for a short break and a drink of water. It amazes me how they spot and catch things to eat in the turned and uncovered soil.  

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