
Friday 12 March 2021

Greenhouse Cladding 1

My youngest daughter Kelly decided that for her Dads birthday she was going to help him fix the greenhouse down to the base frame and start fitting the cladding. A job that was going to take a lot longer that we had both anticipated. I had uncovered most of the nuts bolts fittings other that the rollers for the door.  

It was a wee bit windy and cold so as I was setting up different panels and getting tools out I sent Kelly to get some woodchip and to lay the path next to Square Foot Garden Bed 1

She also topped up some of the other secondary paths to the top of the paving slabs, which warmed he up a bit.  

The small panels on the gable fitted in quite tight but the fixing strips just wouldn't fix in place. The other greenhouse like this that I put together some six years ago fitted a whole lot better, but there was a reason for that that I was forgetting.   

A trip to Wicks to purchase some sealant a pack of 3 number 2.5mm drill bits and some 3.5mm six mm long self tapping screws too place on the way home as its the only way I can see of fixing in the small panels.

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