
Friday 12 February 2021

End of the Beast from the East II


Last night I took the wife and I to get our Covid-19 Vaccinations at Epsom Downs Racecourse, we had an arrival time of 4:50 and it was -2 degrees C at home when we left but -2.5 degrees C on Epsom Downs when we arrived.  

Temperatures of -3.2C and -2.5C were recorded in the Space Saver Greenhouse over night and the sensors under the protection to the spuds recorded -0.9C and -0.5C. There was no hard frost on the car windscreens this morning so I'm hoping the spuds are OK.

As I write this and with the sun warming up the greenhouse it's between 6.7C - 7.7C in the greenhouse but tonight is going to be -5C and the Firefly will defiantly have to be employed to help stop any frost damage to the spuds. 

From the weather forecast it looks like degree of protection can be reduced from Monday 15th Feb as I'm using 4degrees as my minimum for fleece and bubble wrap. 

It appears that if the wives mobility stays stable I may be able to get down on the allotment and play catch up a little on the jobs I have not done and get the square foot gardening beds and the greenhouse in before the end of March if the rain holds off.    

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