
Wednesday 24 February 2021

Clean Up and SFG Beds

A swift visit this afternoon between 2pm and 4pm. With the dustmen coming tomorrow and only one box of plastic, metal and glass full, I decided to cut up all the pop bottles that were in the plastic laundry basket which were left over from when I built the pop bottle greenhouse and I started to tidy up the potting bench area and patio in front of the entrance to the greenhouse on plot 1     

The bluebells are growing at a rate now and it will not be long until the comfrey starts showing  their heads out of the ground as well. Only one daff at the moment.

View from the top entrance into the patio area. 

As I took the photo of Plot 1A, I noticed that there was blossom on the plum tree! There was no sign of blossom on Sunday when I was on the plot. It shows what an increase in temperature of about 12 degrees C over a couple of weeks will do. 

Plum Tree In Blossom 

Battenberg paving slabs were moved from the old path leading from the entrance to the shed on plot 1 to behind the greenhouse linking the paths either side together.  

The windmill was moved back to the shed and digging and weeding of the the first square foot gardening bed started about half an hour before I went home.  

Weed membrane pulled back, digging and weeding started on SFG Bed 1 view looking up the plot.

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