
Monday 11 January 2021

Potatoes from Dobies Arrive

For 2021 I decided to try some New! Varieties from Mr Fothergill's, D.T.Brown and Dobies 

Three New Varieties from Dobies arrived today in a nice little box   

New! Home Guard - First Early - Dobies

Home Guard is a traditional favourite, introduced during the Second World War. It's one of the earliest cropping potato varieties, producing good yields of even, round potatoes. It's best eaten early in the summer so is ideal for boiling and salads.

Planting January - April      Harvesting June July 

Potatoes are delivered in 1kg bags, 18 nice egg sized Seed Potatoes.

New! Stemster - Main Crop - Dobies

Stemster is a tasty, red-skinned variety that produces lots of large potatoes. It grows very well in soils that dry out quickly, as it has good drought resistance. Stemster is also suitable for long term storage and will keep until the following Spring, in the right conditions. It's delicious boiled, mashed, baked and roasted.

Planting January - April      Harvesting June July 

Potatoes are delivered in 1kg bags, Only 10 seed potatoes as they are significantly larger that the other varieties which are more egg sized which is what one expects of seed potatoes.

New! McCain Shepody - Early Main Crop - Dobies

Potatoes are long and oval in shape with a cream skin and cream flesh. Good resistance to common scab and blackleg. All-rounder from potato gratin to roast potatoes. Ideal for bake, mash, jacket, roast, chips. Early Maincrop variety.

Yes, you can now grow the same tasty variety that make some of the nation's favourite chips at home! Just wait until you eat them.

McCain demands the best of their potatoes and these new varieties are each selected for their great taste and texture, and resistance to bruising, splitting and disease.

Planting March - April      Harvesting June July 

Potatoes are delivered in 1kg bags, 16 egg sized Seed Potatoes 

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