
Sunday 20 December 2020

December Plot Tour

The view from the Drop Off & Pick Up Area aka the Car Park, but we are not allowed to refer to it as such as all the Allotments will want one if we call it a car park! 

That's council & Allotment politics for you   

Below is the December plot tour that I recorded as soon as I arrived on the plot 

So this months plot tour was recorded using a monopod and hopefully it less shaky and easier to watch than the October tour was. 

Following on from the video, it was clear that the wood was saturated and at 8:00 on a Sunday it was way too early to start cutting timber with a Ryobi circular saw. So I set about digging up the parsnips that I have been eying for the last couple of weeks since the vegetation appeared to die off

I was somewhat staggered at how large the tops of the parsnips were and used the hand trowel to excavate around them and rocked them around a little as they were not coming out easily. Gloves and tools in photo to give some idea of size of these beasts. 

Three out and the last one on this side of the bed was not giving in. I dug down further wall the trowel and then used a fork to try and loft in four directions and as I pulled the bottom section of the Parsnip just sheared off. 

I don't think anyone told the parsnips this is supposed to be no dig or minimal dig beds.  The one that broke off is a whopper some 330mm circumference at the top about 110mm Diameter and it broke off at 280mm leaving a 45mm diameter section in the ground. so I'm expecting a parsnip tree to grown next season in that corner.

As I got the parsnip out a black cloud decided to release its burden of rain and it was a mad dash for the shed and shelter for five minutes. 

With everything now well and truly wet I decided to continue with weeding the paths up near the plot 1 greenhouse. To cut back the grape vine behind the greenhouse. The pile of bricks that support the water butt to the shed were moved over back near the shed and off the path in front of the greenhouse. 

The polycarbonate that was stacked beside the greenhouse was moved back to the storage area next to the shed.  

The usual Winter Allotmenteers Andy, Wally and John were also on site today and we had a socially distance natter about Tier 4 and plans for Christmas.

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