
Thursday 12 November 2020

Metal Watering Can

With the darker Winter nights and the wife still watching her soaps early evening I like to have a punt around the gardening web sites looking at what's new for the coming year and I made a good find on the Marshalls web site for a little item I have been thinking about for a while now. 

New to Marshalls are four Kent & Stowe 4.5 litre metal watering cans selling at £19.99. The Vintage Cream one is £24.99 as it's a 9 litre version. They would make an ideal Christmas present for a gardener you know. 

To order or read more details see the Marshalls web page for each coloured watering can 

Glossy Deep Violet 4.5 litre   

Midnight Blue  4.5 litre 

Vintage Cream  9 litre 

Cool Grey Metal 4.5 litre 

Tweed Green 4.5 litre 

Now I selected the 4.5 litre bright Tweed Green glossy powder coated finish, as I like items colourful so that I can spot them when I want them, or need to find them to put away if they are not staying out in the elements. 

I've had a number of plastic watering cans in the past and the rose normally is the first thing to perish, or get chewed by the resident fox. You can buy additional roses but each watering can appears to have a different diameter spout, and sometime the replacement rose is nearly as expensive as picking up another plastic watering can.

I have been thinking for some time that now I'm in my eighth year as an allotment plot holder it's about time I had a real durable galvanised steel watering can, like a real gardener.

The end of the spout and the metal rose are threaded, and there is an o-ring on the rose so that it's water tight and will not drip from the back of the rose but better than that the rose can't just drop off or be pinched by the fox and used as a toy and chewed!    

Being 4.5 litre capacity these watering cans are easy to carry when fill and are well suited to outdoor and greenhouse use. I've already let the kids know that Dad might like the Midnight Blue one for the other half plot and greenhouse, I will have to see what Santa brings me.   

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