
Friday 9 October 2020

Working On The Wall

Finally they started demolishing the wall on Wednesday this week, I did a flying visit Thursday afternoon via the flats to see if the shed had survived the deconstruction of the wall, and this is what I found;

I then went around to the Drop Off and Pick Up Area

No skip looks like they will be using a grab lorry, hopefully this will be gone before the weekend when this area gets busy. 

Views of the wall behind the shed

So they have cast the post into pockets into the retaining wall, I will give them 5-10 years before they rot and the wind takes the fence panels down again and it will become a regular maintenance item whereas if they had rebuilt in masonry it would have lasted a lot longer.

Hopefully the actual fencing will go up Friday the 9th as at the moment access into the allotment is easy as they haven't bothered to fix the temporary fencing to the masonry wall and kids could squeeze in without moving the panel.

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