
Saturday 10 October 2020

Did They Or Didn't They?

Manage to get the fencing up on Friday and clear the debris in the drop-off and pick-up area? We are not allowed to call it a "car park" says the Liberal council otherwise all allotment sites will want one. 

It started to rain as I drove to the allotment, I went around the block of flats and saw that the fence in all its glory was up. A couple of photos and back in the car to the drop-off and pick-up area. The grab lorry ad been and it was left in a tidy condition. 

There is some debris in the comfrey bed to deal with but all in all it does not look like too bad a job, and at least now I know the wall isn't going to flatten the shed I can sort it out and finally re roof it, but that's a job for another day. 

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