
Sunday 9 August 2020

Sunday Heatwave Continues

The heatwave is due to continue for the next few days with temperatures between 34 - 36C before there are thunderstorms and it breaks, these storms were due Monday Tuesday but now for the South East of England it's looking more like Thursday/ Friday before that happens. 

My Daughter Kelly is only home until 10:30 so once again I was up early and down on the plot by 7:00 and stayed until 10:00. My plot is in shade first thing in the morning but as the sun rises the sun works its way up plot 1 towards plot 1A and now the trees behind the cracked wall have gone I don't get the shade in the later part of the morning like I used too.  

I was expecting the squash to look a little frazzled, but I was happy to find that a good amount of growth has occurred over the week and that they are looking healthy and they have flowers.  Far in the back of the photo above you can see bed 13 on Plot 1A in front of the temporary leaf bin. It has been cleared of weeds and covered with one of the blank bed membrane sheets I made yesterday.

The 105 planting membrane sheet that was on it has been cleaned off and folded up and is now in the shed. Next I pulled the Mares tail and Bindweed back from the corner of the latest beds that have been installed. 

The end to the water hose was found and the hose extended such that it reached the plot 1 beds with the squash in and they had a good watering before the sun can round to cause any burning of we leaves. I managed to water under the foliage directly into the ground. The new planting membrane will have some deep watering points via soda bottles with the bottoms cut off when I make them for next year. 

Three buckets of apples from the back garden were taken to the plot and some other composting materials were found in the store and so I started this years acidic compost pile. Last year I filled two Daleks to the brim and maintained them throughout the season.

The Waltham Butternuts Squash on plot 1A are not growing as fast as the baked and mash potato Squash alternative from Thompson and Morgan. I still have half a pack of these seeds for growing next year. 

Cutting the comfrey from the bed on plot 1A was refreshing as it was in the shade and that was added as an accelerant to the active apple Dalek. Once again before I knew it it was time to make my way home and I have to say I was sweating so much that I welcomed the need to get home early.     

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