
Monday 17 August 2020

A Quick Whiz Around The Back Garden

Due to shielding my wife, the back garden including the patio was taken over to grow Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Mint and Potatoes. I've had a few harvests already but though perhaps I should take some photos before it's all over so lets have a quick whiz around the back garden 

The Quadgrow has performed magnificently on the patio and I'm so looking forward to getting this installed in the new greenhouse on the plot next year. 

The next Gigantimo tomato turning red, not quite as large as my first picking 

The Bio Green Tower 

The Gigantimo tomatoes in the Bio Green City Jungle are growing well, the plant really needs a trim and tidy up now so that the large tomatoes that are on it can max out. This is another reason I took the photos before the plants get their next hair cut. 

I have now harvest four punnets of tomatoes from these plants 

There are a few more punnets to be had, I'm keeping an eye to see if any splitting is occurring and if I spot it then I will harvest them to prevent losses  

The mini and micro tomatoes in the Space Saver Greenhouse  are doing well and I will soon be harvesting these as well.  Two Buckets of new potatoes have been harvested and consumed and the next two buckets will be harvested during this week when the rain stops.

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