
Thursday 26 March 2020

Tomato Germination Rates

Five of each of tomatoes listed below were sown during the evening of the 11th March 2020 earlier than I have traditionally sown but as these varieties are mini and micro toms, I'm happy for them to become a bit leggy so that I can pot them on deep and keep them warm until the last frost date and then they can go into Space Saver Greenhouse full time. 

On the 12th March they were placed in one of the LED Portable Grow Houses that is currently in the box room that is due for redecoration at some point following the Coronavirus lock down when I can get some electrical work done and new carpet fitted. 

This was what they looked like and the rate of germination 5-6 days from sowing and placing in the Portable Grow House  

The photo above is at 13 days on the 25th March and this morning at temperatures of 31.6 - 36.9C in the Space Saver greenhouse and on a nice sunny day with very little cloud they have been treated to some real sunshine and been allowed out of the house and isolation for the day.

4/5 =   80% Bajaja 
5/5 = 100% Cherrie Kisses 
2/5 =   40% Maskotka 
3/5 =   60% Minibel 
4/5 =   80% Micro Tom 
5/5 = 100% Red Robin 
5/5 = 100% Rotkappchen 
5/5 = 100% Tiny Tim
5/5 = 100% Totem 
2/5 =   40% Hahms Gelbe Topftomate 
2/5 =   40% Patio Plum 
5/5 = 100% Summerlast F1
3/5 =   60% Balconi Yellow F1

Also growing this year larger varieties but less sown due to space at home and now that I have made the decision to self isolate with the wife and not go to the allotment I may not need to sow anymore of this variety. 

2/3 =   66% Gigantomo F1
2/2 = 100% Rapunzel 
1/2 =   50% Crimson Crush 

This morning as the sun hit the Space Saver Green house with temperatures between 30 - 40C I put the tray in the greenhouse so the little fellows can enjoy some real daylight and warmth from the sun, I left the door open a little to let some air flow and some of the heat out and when the greenhouse went into shade and the temperatures dropped to 25C I shut the greenhouse door and an hour later as I write this at 11:20 the temperatures for Top, Middle & Bottom of the greenhouse are 25, 27.2 & 23.2C

The tomatoes are not on their own the white onions are out there with them enjoying the daylight and heat of the day. 

The tray will be brought in tonight as the temperatures drop to between 15 - 20C to keep the toms warm and to make sure they don't sulk.   

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