
Tuesday 31 March 2020

The Kindness Of Friends & Neighbours.

A big thank you to my neighbour Anthea Schmid-Walters and her husband who live in the flats three properties down from my home, and also happen to be friends that are also Allotment Site Reps for an allotment site in the London Borough of Sutton. 

Their allotment site is much larger than mine and happens to have a Trading Hut. They saw my post the other day about making compost and not having enough and offered to pick me up some.

This afternoon they dropped me off three sacks of Super Organic Multi-Purpose Compost on my drive, on their way home from their visit to their allotment plot. Hopefully that will keep me going and there is an offer to pick me up more should I need it. Only a gardener/ allotment holder can know how good this made me feel. 

The neighbours who live behind us as I live on the junction of two roads also left a note in our letter box with a picture of a rainbow done by their children with an offer from them to help, should we need it.  

Who says the old British spirit of pulling together and helping neighbours in times of crisis went after the second world war!   

I many just be able to keep some form of mental stability if I can grow in the back garden during these times of Isolation and Shielding my wife and I from the outside world and this Virus.    

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