
Monday 2 March 2020

Planning and Reviewing March in Previous Years

It's raining and no allotment for me today so lets review the diary over the last six years for March 

2013 - Infrastructure works, picked up 17 paving slabs off Freecycle, met my plot neighbour for the first time, finally after clearing I started on digging and weeding, Comfrey roots purchased and grown in toilet rolls.   
2014 - Infrastructure works continue, Erected the green house on plot 1A, lighter nights and a few extended lunch time visits from work and early evening visits, Spuds sown and solar tents to warm up the soil on beds. Sowing seeds and a hard frost at the end of March 

2015 -  Infrastructure Works, the very last two beds and paths on Plot 1A were formed, Greenhouse clearance ready for using, Collecting and drying Coffee Grounds, Grass cuttings and composting starts, Spuds in buckets and sowing mad March.  

2016 - Infrastructure works on Spencer Road Plot 23B, Comfrey beds dug and weeded, Daleks Composting compound started, Lots of Paving Slabs off Freecycle, First two beds weeded and formed, Timber scrounged from roofing works, Spuds planted, Tomatoes sown.

2017 Infrastructure works, Grow Stations created, walking Onions Bed and Comfrey pipe for Plot 23B, seeds sown and Grow house at home full, Onions and Beetroots sown on allotment.

2018 The Beast from the East and snow early March this year, Infrastructure works, Woodchipped the paths on plot 1A, Catawissa Walking Onion Bed installed,  Catawissa Onion Planting Membrane made, Sowing in Grow Stations from the 9th March, Onions and Beetroots sown on allotment, The Agralan Compact Plug Plant Trainer purchased and used for the first time, Raspberries purchased and planted, Soilfixer over Winter Experiment concludes, Sprout Sowing, Mr Fothergill's Optigrow®  Leeks Experiment. 

2019 Infrastructure works,  Buy Seed and Cutting compost from Tesco, Quad biking for my Birthday, Onions in Modules in the Growhouse, Chitting Potatoes, Woodchip behind the shed, Full day on the plot as Jen taken out for the day, Cutting and painting timbers for beds, accident injuring leg. Picked up a load of paving slabs off Freecycle, visit to hospital as I had Cellulitis as a result to the injury to my leg. First Early spuds in buckets.

Planned for 2020

three storms and according to the Met office it was the wettest February on record , and their records go back to 1766. The average rainfall was 200mm (8 inches in old money), which is over 3 times the norm for the month. Thus I'm still playing catch up with a lot of items that were scheduled to happen in January as well as last month. So if the weather permits I have to undertake more Infrastructure works, and removing and burning the Hawthorne, and getting ready for the growing season.

To Do List  

Below is the to do list in no particular order and catching up with what actually happened in January and what has slipped in February 2020 as there has been so much rain that the Grotto Canal is once again flowing as the water table is so high . 

Mill Green - Plot 1A
  • Clear Bed 2 of Cabbages and cover - TBD
  • Clear Beds 7 & 8 of the sweetcorn roots and cover for Winter - DONE 
  • Clear the storage area to the side and the back of the shed - DONE
  • Cut back the tree over the shed so it can be re roofed - Contractor has removed trees
  • Remove and dispose of Corex on the roof - TBD once wall has been rebuilt
  • Re felt the roof of the shed - TBD once tree removed from roof  
  • Fix the potting Bench - TBD
  • Clear the Wasp Nest in greenhouse 1A - To Be Done once the wasps have gone! 
  • Rhubarb Bed to be created - clearance of weeds in current location and move when ready
  • Tidy Up the Allotment - Ongoing and looking better all the time 
  • Clear area behind the Greenhouse - DONE
  • Weeding - Never ending job   
  • Clear Seating Area - TBD
  • New Fix the Runner Bean Frames to the wall Dismantled and awaiting fixing to wall 

Mill Green - Plot 1
  • As much infrastructure works as the weather will allow - Seven Raised Beds Constructed and waiting for areas to be dug and weeded 
  • Install the kerb edging along the bottom of Plot 1 - TBD
  • Clear the weeds and install a 600mm margin around the perimeter of the plot - Ongoing
  • Woodchip the Margin around the perimeter of the plot. - Ongoing 
  • Clear fire area - Must Do as no more fires from the end of March 
  • Have fires to clear the rubbish - Must Do March
  • Start digging and weeding the Beds and Paths - 2 New beds and paths in
  • Erect the greenhouse - New Timbers to be cut and treated   
  • Tidy Up the Allotment - Ongoing and looking better all the time
  • Remove remaining Hawthorne bushes from the wall - TBD
  • Stock pile Hawthorne to dry before burning - TBD 
  • Stockpile Timber ready for burning  - Ongoing
  • New Install at least four new beds and paths in February - Didn't happen now has too
  • Planning - Ongoing
  • Planning - Ongoing
  • Catalogue Seeds - Vegetables for 2020 done just flowers remain.
  • New Clean and tidy the Space saver Greenhouse - Done 
  • New Cut Path Weed Membrane - TBD  when dry
  • New Cut Bed Weed Membrane - TBD when dry
  • New Cut Planting Membrane - TBD when dry
  • None at the moment.- Add when remembered.

To Do List

Apple - Prune Trees 


Infrastructure works on Mill Green Allotment Plot 1
Greenhouse on Mill Green Plot 1 to be erected
Apple - plant trees
MarchApple - prune trees - Last chance if I still have not managed it.
Week 1Asparagus - sow seeds inside
Week 1
Week 1
Week 1 - 2
Spring Onions - start to sow fortnightly - Feast F1
Brussel Sprouts - First sowing  Breast F1  
Carrot - sow seed of early varieties under cloches
Week 1 - 2Leeks - thin seedlings sown in containers
Week 1 - 2
Week 1
Leek - Musselburgh 2nd Sowing
Squash / pumpkins - prepare soil
Week 2
Week 2
Lettice - sow fortnightly
Radish  - French Breakfast 3 
Week 2Rhubarb - start to harvest
Week 2
Week 2 -3
Tomatoes - sow seed inside / greenhouse
Spring Onions - start to sow fortnightly - Ishikura
Week 3
Week 3
Peppers - Sow Summer Salad Mix
Asparagus - apply spring fertiliser
Week 3
Week 3
Brussel Sprouts - 2nd sowing Breast F1  
Cabbage (summer) - sow outdoors
Week 3Cauliflower (early summer) - harden off
Week 3Spring Onions - start to sow fortnightly - Arrow
Week 4Beetroot - sow seeds under cloches
Week 4Brussels Sprouts - thin seedlings as they appear
Week 4Cauliflower (early summer) - plant out
Week 4Lettuce - start sowing seed outside every two weeks
Week 4Potatoes - plant out sprouted sets
Week 4Sweet Peppers - pot up

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