
Monday 23 March 2020

Lockdown & Sowing Onions

So without actually using the term Lockdown that's what Boris has described and has closed most shops that are not food suppliers. Not before time really, when you see how close we are to the same curve as Italy.

My daughter actually came home with her computer equipment and all the other items she needs to work from home tonight. Thank god I upgraded the BT internet and got the additional wi-fi hub to improve the signal. I had not got around to installing it upstairs, and to be frank the signal up there is quite good.  It has an eithernet socket in the back which my daughter needed to access the internet as her PC has no wifi.   

This means my daughter can use the computer she has set up in her bedroom and the wifi extender talks to the main hub and within minutes she was able to login to the work LAN and speak to her line manager who also set up her system at home tonight, to test things out and see that they can share the system remotely  

Her company BSW Heating took the situation seriously and had asked all their staff last week to let them know about their family they live with and their medical conditions and has prioritised rolling this out based on those with relatives at risk being sorted first. 

Their director announced last night after the success of the trial by the two staff from each department that had brought kit home to try, that they are aiming to get most office based support people working from home by Wednesday leaving a small local crew to use the office at a reduced risk. 

After a lot of contemplation I made the decision to continue sowing onions.  I sowed 240 Red Baron Onions a couple of days ago, 75 seeds from a Mr Fothergills Grow Your Own magazine free pack with a sow by date of 2022 and the rest from a Thompson & Morgan pack with 175 seeds and a sow by date of 2019. now its time for some white onions. 

There are 75 seeds in the Marshalls New in 2019 Hylander F1 pack and 350 seeds in the Marshalls NEW for 2020 Fasto F1 Pack. 

I've sown all 75 seeds at approx. 6 per module so 12 modules of Hylander F1 and 28 modules or 168 Seeds of Fasto F1. 

If they don't get in the ground at the allotment I will harvest them small and eat them as spring onions. They are living in doors for the heat to assist germination at the moment. Once they have germinated they will be put out in the Space Saver Greenhouse. 

As you can see from the photo at the top of the post I know which cells have which seeds in them, it's always good to label as you go. 

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