
Saturday 8 February 2020

Showing Plots & Clearing Up

A different tack today, as my wife has been up early a few days and she has been a little under the weather as we have both had the flu / cough thing I suggested that she have a lay in and stay on her machine to get a better charge, and that I will go to the allotment early as I have the second person "Chris" on the waiting list to show the two remaining plots, and he has already expressed an interest in the larger plot No 14. 

In the hour whilst I was waiting for Chris to arrive, I weeded and emptied all the buckets that I had grown potatoes in last year and added them to the narrow bed behind. The five buckets of compost leafs and shredded paper were added to the bed and the dalek behind the bed. One of the buckets with lids turned out to have dried coffee grounds in so that was also added to the two narrow beds and raked in, and a layer of coffee grounds were added to the dalek. 

I had arranged to meet Chris at 9am and it turns out Chris knows Brad from yesterday they both live in the new housing built behind the Allotment site and they both work in the same office block in London, They also know Henry and Coralee from plot 8 it's a small world. 

It's great that we will now have four plots taken by people that live next door the the Allotment site and that two of them can actually see the allotment from their homes, one of which is from the 4th floor in the block behind my plot and they will be able to see the whole allotment. It's like build in security. 

So all tools, rolls of fencing and other material that were stored behind the shed have now been moved out and I only have a few pots and slug traps on the racking to dispose off. The racking will not move as its now pinched between the wall and the back of the shed so I will not be able to get that out until they take down the wall.   

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