
Wednesday 12 February 2020

Mentioned in Dispatches III

I've been mentioned in Dispatches yet again and photos from my blog have been used in an Article by Waltons re How to pick the best shed for your allotment. 

"A shed is an incredibly useful addition to your allotment. It provides storage, shelter and protection for younger plants. A shed can also provide you with a level of comfort that allows you to garden for longer, when the mood takes you!
But how do you pick the best shed for your allotment? We asked some of our favourite bloggers for their top tips." 
I'm in good company those also contributing include: 
Katie Lane of  Lavender & Leeks 
Matt Peskett of Grow Like Grandad 
Claire Burgess  Claire’s Allotment 
Mike of Flighty’s Plot 
Adam Leone of Carrot Tops Allotment

Below are my full answers to their questions 

• What are the most important considerations for an allotment shed?
Any limitations on size by the allotment owner - Church Local Authority or Private

Security, additional Security features, hinges bolted as well as screwed, Key and internal lock, external lock other security devices or adopt the leave it open so they cause no damage mentality.  

How do you want to use the shed will depend if you have no windows, or look for a Potting Shed configuration  

• What have you learnt the hard way? We’d love to hear your anecdotes.
First shed was a cheap ship lap pitched roof, limited headroom and loss of space. I learn from this and the second shed was a T&G Pent flat Roof shed which have much more storage space, better headroom and more robust. I would always recommend T&G and Pent with door in the middle of the long face and build a bench at mid door height both sides to strengthen the door frame and make more rigid and robust against possible vandalism  

• Thinking about your dream allotment building - what features would it include?

Take a look at my blog I have a storage and onion drying extension to the side and I have also a large covered storage area to the rear of the shed. I have a solar powered light internally and a gas cooker on one bench for Coffee and Tea making. Working out storage methods within the shed, with the pent is easier. I have a high level deep shelf on each side then a bench each side and a freecycled four draw storage units. Hanging hooks on the rear front sides and door. I'm contemplating a Polycarbonate covered area to the front for when I'm caught on the plot by rain so  that I can leave the door open and sit inside and watch the showers.    

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