
Sunday 1 December 2019

Planning and Reviewing December in Previous Years

Reviewing the diary over the last eight years for December 

There is not a whole lot of growing that happens in December, its normally blustery, cold, rainy, and overcast. It's the only time of the year with no sowing programme, though some enthusiasts and trophy hunters will ignore convention. I can't shut my plot down completely because there is too much tidying and maintenance to do on plot 1A and I have infrastructure works to undertake on plot 1 

2012 - My First December and third month of owning an allotment was mainly spent cutting down the weeds and exposing what lay underneath and discovering all manor or debris to dispose off. There was a lot of burning of weeds in the two incinerators 

2013 - Mainly clearing up the plot, Growing and cut and drop green manure, installing an infrastructure of paths and beds. Harvesting Sprouts 

2014 - Mainly clearing up the plot, Growing and cut and drop green manure, installing an infrastructure of paths and beds. Harvesting Sprouts 

2015 - Mainly clearing up the 2nd plot on Spencer Road, Growing and cut and drop green manure, installing an infrastructure of paths and beds. Harvesting Sprouts, carrots and parsnips  

2016 - Two plots on two different allotment sites Mill Green and Spencer Road, Installing infrastructure, collecting leafs, Walking Onions in greenhouse, harvesting sprouts, manure and leafs on beds, making planting membrane sheets, High winds blow over Keith's shed. Shed Break-ins and meeting the police on Spencer Road.
2017 - Family health matters mean very little achieved on the plot. Leaf collection and sprout harvest.

2018 - Lots of rain and not a great deal of work possible this month. Grow Your Own Tomato Seed Circle package arrives. 30th December and I was clearing the sweetcorn from the beds and putting to sleep for winter.  

Below is the to do list in no particular order and catching up with what actually happened in November and what has slipped. 

Mill Green - Plot 1A
  • Dig up two and a half beds of potatoes Done
  • Clear Bed 1 of weeds and cover - Done
  • Clear Bed 3 of potatoes weeds and cover Done
  • Clear Bed 2 of Cabbages and cover - TBD
  • Clear the Runner Beans - Done 
  • Clear Bed 9 of weeds and cover Done
  • Clear Beds 7 & 8 of the sweetcorn roots and cover for Winter - TBD
  • Clear the storage area to the side and the back of the shed - TBD
  • Cut back the tree over the shed so it can be re roofed - TBD
  • Remove and dispose of Corex on the roof - TBD   
  • Temporary Bitumen the shed roof where felt is missing - TBD  
  • Re felt the roof of the shed - TBD   
  • Fix the potting Bench - TBD
  • Clear the Wasp Nest in greenhouse 1A - To Be Done once the wasps have gone! 
  • Rhubarb Bed to be created - clearance of weeds in current location and move when ready
  • Tidy Up the Allotment - Ongoing and looking better all the time 
  • Clear area behind the Greenhouse - TBD
  • Weeding - Never ending job   
  • Clear Seating Area - TBD
  • New Fix the Runner Bean Frames to the wall - TBD

Mill Green - Plot 1
  • As much infrastructure works as the weather will allow - Subject to rain
  • Woodchip the greenhouse area and the path in front - Done 
  • Install the kerb edging along the bottom of Plot 1 - TBD
  • Clear the weeds and install a 600mm margin around the perimeter of the plot - TBD
  • Woodchip the Margin around the perimeter of the plot. - TBD
  • Clear fire area - TBD
  • Have fires to clear the rubbish - TBD
  • Start digging and weeding the Beds and Paths - 2 New beds and paths in
  • Lay the paving for the greenhouse - Done 
  • Erect the greenhouse - Timbers Cut for base need to be treated  
  • Tidy Up the Allotment - Ongoing and looking better all the time
  • Remove remaining Hawthorne bushes from the wall - TBD
  • Stock pile Hawthorne to dry before burning - TBD 
  • Stockpile Timber ready for burning  - Ongoing
  • Install Flower Beds - Done   
  • Plant Spring Bulbs - TBD
  • New Install two new beds and paths in December - TBD
  • Planning - Ongoing
  • Catalogue Seeds - Ongoing  
  • None at the moment.- Add when remembered.

To Do List

Apple - Prune Trees 

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