
Wednesday 4 December 2019

In My Seed Box For 2020 - Sweetcorn

My daughter Kelly declared early on in my ownership of an allotment that all sweetcorn grown was hers. Historically we have had some great harvests and the two types of corn that I have grown have been Swift and Lark F1. 2017 was extremely disappointing but it would appear that most people in the UK had a bad year with their Sweetcorn. 

In 2019 Marshalls sent me two different varieties to trial which were Alliance F1 and Tyson F1 again due to the leg injury I didn't get the infrastructure in to trial both varieties in 2019. 

The results with Marshalls Alliance F1 Hybrid Sweetcorn were nothing more than spectacular (see photos of harvest here) and I have to say they were the best Sweetcorn that I have grown to date 

This year I'm going to trial the Marshalls Tyson F1 Hybrid and hope they produce as good if not better than the Alliance F1 Hybrid, only time will tell.  

If I get the additional beds in on plot 1 I have Swift - 56 Seeds + two packets of unknown quantity as they came from multipacks and as long as I can grow them far enough away from each other to prevent cross pollination I may well sow these as well unless I'm offered any other new varieties to trial this year as a result of the Gardening Press Event 2020.

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