
Friday 18 October 2019

The Worst Winter in 50 Years

With 3 beds of potatoes and an allotment plot to put to sleep for the winter what I didn't want to read was a weather forecast that says:- 

The worst winter in 50 years is on the way as a bitter cold snap will see temperatures plummet. Forecasters are also predicting snowfall in October and wind spread frost.The brutally cold spell with go into November and December too.

"Through the weekend and into next week it looks like heavy rain at times and strong winds at times, Similar methods have allowed us to identify some previous record-breaking cold weather events such as those seen in 2010 and 2013 when cold weather lasted into spring."

It's rained every day for the last week but looking at the BBC Weather forecast for the next 13 days there is some hope.

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