
Thursday 24 October 2019

Allotment Waiting List

Waiting List UPDATE 24th October

The London Borough of Sutton Site Reps have been waiting for invites to be sent out to the 124 people that have plots waiting for them as of September 2019, some Site Reps have been waiting since March this year for invites to be sent.

However the London Borough of Sutton is happy to wait and give priority during the next four month to invoicing and collecting the rents. Idverde are providing a single person for one day a week to undertake this task and the Adam Brind one of three Neighbourhood/ Contract  Managers for the London Borough of Sutton has advised that Site Reps should not expect the people on the waiting lists to be contacted until January 2020 to contact the Site Reps and arrange a site viewing.

Most Site Reps are not happy having vacant plots waiting to be filled, most of there have already developed weeds and the seeds of which have spread to neighbouring plots that are being worked.

If you are on a London Borough of Sutton Allotment waiting list and are waiting for a plot please complain to your Local Councillor, you never know you could be one of the 124 people out of the 429 people on the waiting list that a plot is just waiting for you to view and accept.

In terms of lost revenue as the vacant list are no longer shared I can be exact with figures as in previous years, but assuming the plots are a mix of 250m2 and 125m2 at one end and possibly 250m2 at the other the council is losing revenue of between £9,176 - £11,594 pa which would pay for an admin clerk.

Lost Revenue due to mismanagement of waiting lists

  £8,110 Actual Figure as at Oct 2017
  £9,618 Estimated Figure as at Feb 2018
£10,385 Estimated Figure as at September 2019

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