
Sunday 26 May 2019

Comfrey Pipe Cleanout!

Not one of the jobs I look forward too but when I walked to the back of plot 1A the comfrey had grown so tall is was leaning over the path into the plot and the shed. So that meant that before I cut any comfrey up I needed the dismantle the comfrey pipe and clear out the plug from last year. The plug came out easy into the Dalek and I ran water down the pipe to clean and clear it for this years batch.

With the pipe reinstalled I set about cutting my way into the path and you can see from the before photo on the left of the comfrey pipe and the after on the right how much comfrey  it takes to fill a 1.2m long 100mm dia S&VP or drainage pipe. 

I will clear out the other comfrey pipe in a future visit and I'm going to shorten it so that I don't have to climb a ladder to fill it now that I have two pipes. I filled the Comfrey water butt up and made sure the solar powered air pumps was working.

It's been so dry that everything needed watering, and if the weather stays like this then I shall have to visit a couple of times a week to water if nothing else.

I planted the rest of the potatoes into square flower buckets adding another two buckets to the row on the left and all the buckets on the right  of the picture

.These buckets got topped up and the two at the end of the row are new 

 These buckets also got topped up, meanwhile up on Plot 1A

The spuds are starting to show through all the planting membrane and you can see bed 3 was sown later than 4 & 5 

The first early spuds in buckets are growing well and will need topping up with soil next visit  

Onions have picked up and the stems are now vertical, but I need to water on a regular basis to stop them going to seed.

Not many beetroots showing yet, but in all fairness this bed needs watering 3 times a week, so I'm going to have to step up and water more often 

The elastic hooked ties from the £1 shop wrap around the chimney and hook on the handles and I will get a few more too keep other lids in place as I lost one to the dustbin and had to recover it.

Time goes by way too fast and I wizzed around spraying the weeds in the paths hoping to knock them back a little but I didn't do the bind weed around the incinerators, a job for a future visit.  

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