
Sunday 7 April 2019

Discretion Is The Better Part of Valour.

Update on the leg since the last post goes a little like this, after the cannular plumbing was installed in my hand I went for an IV of Ceftriaxone from Tuesday through to Thursday, and on Thursday my body reacted to the IV and I came out with a red itchy rash all over! 

That put a stop to having any more IV treatment, it had however helped with killing off the bacteria that was feasting in the sugars in my skin and the inflammation had dramatically reduced. 

The bruise and swelling associated with the impact damage of the 2.4m or 8ft length of 225x50mm or 9"x2" timber is now much more visible. So the plan is now a course of Clindamycin capsules four times a day and something the itchy allergic reaction to the IV.

A blood test on Tuesday as if you have it on the day its at least a 2hour waiting for the results to come back and an appointment back at the hospital on Wednesday morning to review the situation. 

Today Sunday I have soreness around the ankle but no more heat and I can actually touch the leg without going through the roof. I had arranged for assistance this Sunday to erect the 2nd greenhouse but Discretion Being The Better Part of Valour, I have cancelled it as the last thing I need to do is knock, scrape or damage the leg again at the moment. 

I hate that I'm falling behind on my plan but now that the cannular is out of my hand I can at least get some seeds going  

The onions are doing really well in the SpaceSaver greenhouse, and they need rotating 180 degrees to they straighten up a little, but I'm hoping they will slow down a little as It's going to be a while until I can get down on the ground to plant them on the plot. I may have to rope in my eldest daughter who uses most of the onions to assist me.

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