
Sunday 30 December 2018

Normal Service Resumed

So after what feels like forever, I managed to get down onto the allotment when it's dry-ish, there had been some morning dew and everything was damp, but at least it was not raining buckets.

First things first, I topped up the compost Daleks 2 & 3 with kitchen scraps and dead flowers, then added a layer of leafs from last years collection as Browns. I removed nearly all the sweetcorn stalks from beds 5 & 6 and chopped them up placing them in the new Dalek at the end of plot 1 also reducing last years leaf collection as I need to clear the weed membrane.

I then set upon making two more bread tray saw horses and then started moving the 2.4m cut timbers further back down the plot with the intention of clearing the interface between plot 1 and 1A, hopefully to get the flower beds in before the spring bulbs grow too much and have to just put in anywhere. 

Lots of scraps of rotting wood left by the previous tenant gave been holding down the weed membrane and as we can have fires up until the end of March 2019, I set about collecting and cutting them into incinerator bin size and placing them inside the incinerator so that they can dry out ready to be burnt. The two flower buckets of dried hawthorn cuttings also got tipped into the incinerators. I stacked larger lengths of timber on a pallet and John ask if I wanted him to burn it for me as he has a large oil drum and loves a burn up to make the ash for use as fertiliser. If someone is going to help me get rid of rotten wood I'm not going to stop them. 

There were five of us on the site during the morning some stayed longer than others who were either there to drop off composing material or pick up the last of their vegetables. catching up with each others lifes, with hopes of having had a good Christmases and Happy New Year wishes were exchanged. We are very lucky that apart from one individual who appears to rub at least half of the plot holders on the site up the wrong way, we have a really nice crowd of plot holders on Mill Green. 

John has not had any luck contacting our woodchip supplier so it looks like we need to find another source for the woodchips.     

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