
Friday 16 November 2018

Nearly Set The Shed On Fire!

My daughters took my wife out for a day of female bonding and shopping, allowing the old guy to spend the morning on the allotment.

The first thing I did after unloading the car, was fill up the kettle on the small suitcase camping stove and light it to make a cup of coffee. I fitted a new gas cylinder and the size of the flame was larger than usual, must be because its a new bottle me thinks then I notice flames coming out of the slider lever control slot. I opened the flap and saw flames lapping around the gas cylinder. I turned off the gas to the burner but the flames continued around the gas cylinder.

I just picked it up the camping stove and threw it into the middle of the plot, expecting to hear an explosion. Luckily the cylinder fell out and the flames went out before anything nasty could happen. 

I have heard that these little suitcase cookers can be temperamental, the instructions that come with it tell you not to leave them unattended. Well it will not be getting a second chance from me that's for sure, they are just downright dangerous and it's gone home and been put in the metal recycle bin, minus the gas cylinder of course.       

Beds 9 & 10 raked and covered for the winter

Bed 11 cleared of potatoes today and also covered over for Winter. 

I ended up with one and a half flower buckets of spuds out of the bed. I will be revisiting and sieving the soil in the bed to try and find any lost spuds


  1. I've seen that happen and it can be quite scary. They had to take the whole table out of the shed because the flames were so big. I double check every time before switching them on. It's because of this that I hear some councils are now banning cookers on allotments.

    1. It was a little scary, but self preservation kicked in and I didn't know I could move that fast! ;)

  2. You've inspired me to join blogspot, you can find me at

    1. Sean, if I have inspired you to do anything at all I'm really honored, I will go and check out the link and add it to my watch list.

  3. Crikey! By suitcase camping stove do you mean it stays in the bag when using it. I ask as we have a portable stove which we have used for years and never realised it could cause a problem!

    1. The camping stove comes in a plastic suitcase so that you can take it out on picnics etc.
