
Monday 3 September 2018

Sweetcorn Sunday

Resuming my Sunday morning visits, I took four buckets of apples and composting materials to the plot to add to the Daleks. 

I spent a little time installing a half shelf in the shed at mid height between the Bench and the high shelf beside the stove for the Tea & Coffee making paraphernalia to go on. 

Derek the site rep from the neighbouring and my old allotment site Spencer Road popped in to see the new plot, what progress I had made and for a chat about the upcoming Site Reps meeting with idverde and the Local Authority.

It was good to be able to offer him a drink and to chill for a little while. As Derek was leaving my Brother & Sister in Law, Keith & Pauline arrived and once again it was good that finally I could make them a drink as up to now they have been the only source of fresh refreshment hand have been making me coffee for ages. 

It did however highlight that I need to clear up around the seating area at the top of the plot, so that's a job to go onto my To Do List. 

Whilst on the way to the top of the plot, I noticed that the squirrels or rats had started on the Sweetcorn, so my suspicion last week that they were ripe and ready for picking was justified and I spent most of the rest of morning removing and trimming and tidying up the cobs and bagging them to take home. The leaf's outer vegetation and stalks were cut up and added to the Daleks and as I'm low on shredded paper I added some of the decomposing leaf's from last autumn as browns along with spent compost from the potatoes in buckets.    

Another half a dozen cucumbers of various shapes and sizes and Rapunzel red Tomatoes were also harvested and added to the pile of produce to take home.

I made more bread bin saw horses and stacked them with the timber joists that have been already cut to size ready for painting, before finally coming home for lunch. Time fly's so fast on the allotment and you don't always get everything done you would like or had planned. 

The Sweetcorn was cleaned up, cut up and put in the freezer and a return visit was made to the allotment in the evening with the sweetcorn and my sisters grass cuttings to top up Daleks 2 & 3 once again to the top. It appears that I'm able to keep two Daleks topped up all the time, and I'm guessing a third will be started once I start clearing the bottom half of the sweetcorn stalks. 

I also have a double and now a single Dalek filled with apples from my back garden and the allotment and one does get a little high from the fumes from those two when you pass them 

Question: How many Daleks or compost bins do you have, and do you enjoy making compost?   

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