
Wednesday 1 August 2018

Planning and Reviewing August in Previous Years

Reviewing the diary over the last five years for August

2013 - Built my first Comfrey Pipe after making it in buckets and experiencing the stench, harvesting spring onions, radishes, Wyevale seeds at 50%, trouble getting a fork in the ground used a pick axe. Central path of paving slabs from front garden went in on Mill Green. Wyevale 50p seed sale

2014Growing Marrows for the first time, harvesting, Onions, Spring Onions, Carrots, Wyevale 50p seed sale end of August.  

2015 -  Onion End Rot on Mill Green allotment, harvesting month, Digging up paths for compost bins, First Red Tomato 6th August, Sowing Beetroots, whitlow appeared on my finger just as I got my second plot at Spencer Road.   

2016End July/Early Aug end of season gardening sale at Wilko, First and last time trying to grow Celery and butternut squash, Pickling Beetroot, 17th August first ripe tomato, end of season Coir top up for next year.  

2017 Harvesting and Pickling Beetroots, Spring Onions in cut down Flower Buckets, SF60 Potato In Buckets Harvested, Self Seeding Pumpkins, Comfrey Pipe Upgrade, Overwintering SF60 Spring Onion Experiment,  Agreed the Drop off and Pick Up area with Redrow and the Council,  August Bank Holiday - Wyevale Seed Sale 

Below is the to do list in no particular order and catching up with what actually happened in July and what has slipped. Way too much has slipped.

Spencer Road
  • Shed Removed and Transported to Mill Green - Done and Spencer Road Plot now given up  
Mill Green - Plot 1
  • As much infrastructure works as the weather will allow - Ongoing, way too warm in July to dig beds, hoping for some cloudy less warm weather in August 
  • Water Butts - Fix taps and fill with water before hose pipe ban 
  • Base for Shed - Done 
  • Erect Shed - Done 
  • Paint Shed - Done 
  • Guttering to Shed - TBD
  • Extension to Shed - side - Done
  • Extension to shed - rear - To be built  
  • Cut Roof Joists to bed sizes - Ongoing   
  • Lay the paving for the greenhouse - TBD 
  • Erect the greenhouse - Still waiting for the base to be completed 
  • Tidy Up the Allotment - Ongoing and looking better all the time
  • Remove Hawthorne bushes from the wall - TBD
  • Install Kerb Edging all around the plot - TBD
  • Stockpile Timber ready for burning in October - TBD
  • Deal with Wasp nest - Done 

Mill Green - Plot 1A
  • Weeding - Never ending job   
  • Clear the storage area behind the shed  - TBD 
  • Clear the greenhouse - Now the second shed is in place this is happening ready for overwintering plants  
  • Rhubarb Bed to be created - clearance if weeds in current location and move when ready
  • Tidy Up the Allotment - Ongoing and looking better all the time 
  • Clear area behind the Greenhouse - TBD
  • Plant Raspberries against the Wall - TBD


  • Harvest Tomatoes - As they turn red
  • Purchase vent opener for new greenhouse.- Not Yet 


  1. I've done a similar list, it's very long as well.

  2. Hi Sean - I use this diary/ blog/ journal to keep a track or what I need to do, what I plan to do and then what I actually get around to doing. It's interesting looking back and the different years at the good, the bad and the ugly occurrences that have happened and making plans for the future. I'm really looking forward to seeing how your new plot develops once you get your YouTube MoJo back.
