
Saturday 14 July 2018

Working On Shed

This morning I went to Spencer Road and was shocked just how the weeds have taken over, I did give them a treatment of weed killer last time I was down there. 

The task for this morning was to remove the shelving from the shed and as many screws as possible ready for my future son-in-law to give me a hand to disassemble it ready for me to arrange pick up and transportation the less than a mile between Spencer Road and Mill Green Allotment.

Most of the screws come out but there are always a couple and it would happen to be the two on the threshold that the heads have rusted away, so options tomorrow are cut the timber and add a new bit for transporting and carrying or take a crow bar and try and leaver out the screws and re fix else where when it is re assembled.

The shelving and other items that are useful were transported in the car from one plot to another so there was no time for watering today. 

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