
Wednesday 25 July 2018

Tomato Update

The tomatoes are looking a little shaggy and with the hottest day forecast for Thursday a haircut is in order me thinks. And so a bucket of off cuts later and …..

A bit more space and exposure to the sun and room for air to circulate and for me to get to the row of 11 tomatoes behind those that that you can see in the front.

During the trim I found more red toms than I thought I had 

The Rossella Toms are prolific

As are the Vitorino Tomatoes that have been grown from seeds taken from toms from Tesco, so these could be F1 but they look to be very much like the original tomato the seeds were taken from.

Meanwhile in the Space Saver Greenhouse the Micro Tomatoes are doing incredibly well and I will defiantly be saving seeds and growing next year.

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