
Monday 2 July 2018

Planning and Reviewing July in Previous Years

Reviewing the diary over the last five years for July

2013 - Infrastructure works, harvest of first early and cucumbers and the best cabbages I have ever grown ! Beginners luck   
2014A really good year with plentiful harvests .  

2015 -  Great year for beetroots, Wrens in the bird box .   

2016 - Lots of coffee grounds, drying coffee, Building a replacement door for the outbuilding from decking timber.

Mill Green - Onion White Rot, Runner Beans,     

Spencer Road - Comfrey Bed 2 completed, Four Beds, Butternut squash, Beetroots, spuds and spring onions. Onions, Potatoes, Beetroots and infrastructure works. Burpless Cucumbers go manic  

Home - Tomatoes finally get transplanted into flower buckets.  

2017 - Really behind on growing and keeping the plot weed free, especially the paths on Mill Green as the woodchip had finally rotted down into good growing medium. Absent neighbour meaning weeds encroaching from plot 1.  11th July first red tomato, Meeting with Redrow and Council to agree the formation of the Drop off and Pick Up area, SF60 Potatoes in Buckets experiments, 5 Beds productive at Spencer Road, 30th July harvest of First Early Spuds & Onions 

July is normally the month for harvesting rather than planting, but below is the to do list in no particular order and catching up with what actually happened in June and what has slipped. Way too much has slipped.

Below is the to do list in no particular order and catching up with what actually happened in June and what has slipped

To Do List  

·                     As much infrastructure works as the weather will allow - Not enough over the first three months of the year due to the beast from the East and bad weather. Now the intense Sun is putting me off, so I can't really win until we get some overcast weather.

·                     Weed & Level the Shed and Greenhouse Area - Started but need to be completed
·                     Remove the Trees from along the wall  - TBD too late to burn now
·                     Lay weed membrane over the whole plot - Completed
·                     Collect the last of the slabs from Spencer Road - Done
·                     Lay the slabs for the shed and Greenhouse - TBD 
·                     Erect the greenhouse - TBD
·                     Move Comfrey Pipe from Spencer Road to Mill Green - Completed
·                     Rhubarb Bed to be created - TBD
·                     Stockpile timber and keep dry ready to burn next year - Ongoing


·                     Cut more path weed membrane - Ongoing 
·                     Make a Spring Green planting membrane sheet - New 


·                     Purchase vent opener for new greenhouse.- TBD

Week 2
Potatoes - plant sets for autumn harvest
Week 3Cucumber (ridge) - begin to harvest
Week 3Kale - transplant to final position
Week 3Onions - stop watering
Week 4Beetroot - begin to harvest
Week 4Cabbage (spring) - sow (pots / temporary bed)
Week 4Sweetcorn - begin to harvest

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