
Tuesday 19 June 2018

Parsnips & Butternut Squash

My brother-in-law phoned last night to say he had a couple of butternut squash over did I want them, I said yes leave them on the seat next to the shed. So lunchtime I popped down with the two I had grown (the two vertically in line in the photo) and planted them with his two (Horizontally in line in the photo) into a year old composted manure that had been sitting in Flower Buckets.  

I dug over and weeded the soil around and will continue and perhaps cover in cardboard on later visits, I hope to keep ahead of the squash as they take over the lower area of plot 1.

At home I have once again set up Parsnip seeds to chit on damp kitchen paper in a plastic container left in the dark under the stairs, so that I can start them off in loo rolls and get some more planted. I so have to do this very much earlier next year.

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