
Monday 21 May 2018

Composting Visit

Last night we got a telephone call that my sister-in-law had another two giant sacks of grass for me to collect. The plan was to pick them up first thing this morning, but the best laid plans of mice and men, and all that, it didn't happen.

I actually picked them up after lunch and took them down to the allotment to refill the Dalek that had already consumed and processed the last two sacks from my sister-in-law.

I'm not a half full or half empty kind of guy, as an engineer lets just say it was once again at 50% capacity. I managed to fill up that Dalek again and with the rest of the grass and layering it with shredded paper, coffee grounds and a layer of comfrey managed to fill another Dalek to just a little over 50% capacity. 

Not knowing we were going to have a thunderstorm and a downpour of rain, I did water the Cucumbers and the spuds in buckets again whilst I was down there. 

Looking at the plants in the Space Saver Greenhouse 

Three days ago there were only two runner beans showing, now there is only one left to poke its head above the soil, I'm guessing these will be long enough to go in next Sunday.

Checking on the parsnips there were another three that had germinated and started to grow so these have gone into toilet rolls with the first three so currently I have six parsnips that I know are viable.

The lid has been placed back on the container and it has gone back under the stairs in the dark and I will check for more growth in another couple of days.

Finally more growth on the butternut squash front, but still nothing from the marrows

I'm guessing at least two weeks before the sweetcorn can go in so I will get the beds ready for it next Sunday and it can go in the following Sunday 

The second sowing of beetroots are germinating and the new pack appears to be providing better results than the older seed did. I'm guessing a couple of weeks before these will be ready to go in at the allotment. I think a third sowing needs to be done in the next few days.

I have to say I'm very disappointed with the germination rate of the marigolds, I don't hold out much hope that others will germinate any time soon and I may just pot on what's there over the weekend. 

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