
Saturday 7 April 2018

Spuds In Buckets

A swift visit to drop off the two Walnut trees and compost to Mill Green and a discovery that Basil Brush has dug out my walking onions! Most annoying as much as I like the fact the foxes keep the rat population reduced, they are a bloody pain in the arse when it comes to damaging crops looking for worms to eat.

As I had a little time to spare I managed to sow a number of flower buckets with Arron Pilot first early potatoes, I have a dalek full of rich home brewed compost which is ideal for spuds in buckets.

I had intended to repeat the SoilFixer SF60 experiment, but with being behind because of the weather, the need to catch up with everything that's gone by the board this year and onto the back burner for next year when hopefully I will be more on top of things after the move from Spencer Road to Mill Green.

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