
Sunday 15 April 2018

Grow Faster Stripes

Last night I spent some time fixing the grow faster stripes, OK anti slug copper tape around the flower buckets as they had dried off. The labels are ready and now it's time to fill the cut down buckets or high walled trays, I'm not really sure what I should call them and sow the leeks. So the there ready for sowing and I could not find the jig I made up.

Moving swiftly on to the tomatoes

Grow Station Tomatoes ready for potting on 

They don't look half as leggy anymore and those hairs on the stems will turn into roots 

I spent the rest of the day clearing the accumulated rubbish from the two sheds and clearing and cleaning the cold frame and finally screwing on the handles to the windows. I found the X-Hose to replace the one that had perished over the winter and finally found the allium jig.  

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