
Thursday 12 April 2018

A Sack of Grass

This afternoon my brother-in-law turned up on the door with a huge woven sack of grass. The grass was already cooking in the sack and I had nowhere to put it and I really needed to get it down to the allotment and in the Dalek, so on the basis that I've been playing catch up with work on the wet weekend and evenings it seemed only right that I goof off for an hour and take it down to the allotment.

Multi layered with two and a half food buckets about 25 litres of shredded paper as browns and all watered down as it was laid, the Dalek that I have just emptied is now about half full of what will become some wonderful compost in about a years time.

As I was on the plot I had to do something more than just fill the Dalek so the hoops on beds 8 & 9 are in place but waiting for the lateral bracing to be added, and the Sprout Hoop cage is 80% erected on Bed 2 as I will not add the other bracing until I have added the lime to the soil in readiness for planting the sprouts.

The planned work for Wednesday 12th April didn't all happen but with the time spent today this is where I am;
  1. Fixing the Walking Onion Bed back to the wall - Holes drilled in wall find rawl plugs & complete next visit plus build fence to keep Bloody fox off the walking onions.
  2. Dismantling the Sprout hoop frame from Bed 12 and moving it to Bed 2 in readiness - Done 
  3. Sow the rest of the first early seed potatoes - Four More Buckets done still more to do
  4. Get Bed 11 ready for spuds - Anti Slug & Snail measures at the moment potatoes in on Sunday hopefully
  5. Get the hoop frames installed on the Beds - Beds 8 & 9 now have hoops installed bracing to be added.

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