
Sunday 4 February 2018

Forward Is Still Forward

After a week of man flu and rain, I did manage to get down to the allotment for a few hours this Sunday morning, which cheered me up no end, it was very cold but sunny and dry, I can do cold, I have no problem with cold, if you are working you generate heat but wet that's a whole different ball game, I don't do wet.  

I worked on shifting the blue pipe off bed 8 and stacking behind the greenhouse. I intend to mount some brackets on the wall behind the new shed on plot 1 and stack the blue pipe there once the shed has been moved over. The tarp that was over the path between beds 8&9 was removed, covered with weed membrane and paving slabs laid. 

The plastic bed edging was dug up and the decking board timber bed edging was screwed together. The bed re-dug which as it's not walked upon and spuds were dug out of it last year was no problem.

Finally the weed membrane and a couple of paving slabs either end of the path between bed 7 & 8 was laid. The climbing frames for the cucumbers on bed 7 were dismantled and stacked against the greenhouse. 

I need to get the new bed frames and the paths covered on Plot 1A ready for the growing season as much as I need to get the shed and greenhouse area of Plot 1 ready, the weather combined with personal and working commitments are limiting the time I'm able to give to the tasks.

Not as many hours on a Sunday as I would like on the plot, but little and often works as long as it is often, and that's something I need to arrange better. I just need to have in my mind that forward Is still forward no matter how slow the steps are or seem to be.

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