
Friday 2 June 2017

Planning & Reviewing June in Previous Years

Reviewing the diary over the last four years for June

2013 - Potting up tomatoes & peppers, potatoes, cabbages, sprouts and sweet corn, dug beds 7 & 8  
2014Watering system installed on Mill Green plot 1A, Potted up Tomatoes into buckets, installed bed 12, Marrows in manure covered in cardboard. Beetroots, Harvested the first bunch of Spring onions. Harvested first early potatoes from buckets. End of the month bed 13 completed, second bed of runner beans sown.         

2015 -  Not many posts in the blog for this month in this year, it was however my first Vlog from the plot. first year trying French beans the family didn't like them and it they have not been grown again since. Potted tomatoes from vending machine cups into pots that were taken to the grow house on the plot. First year growing Marketmore cucumbers. Sweetcorn planted on Fathers day, First year for successfully growing a whole bed of Parsnips. First year for peas. Cherries on the cherry trees. Sent two Crimson Crush tomato plants.   

2016 - Very cold June. Grow House heaving with plants, Burpless Cucumber transplanted into pots, Tomatoes potted on from vending machine cups, Sprouts failed and I had to buy some. Third sowing of beetroots, First year for celery. Flooding at Wallington Railway Bridge
Second sowing of sweetcorn due to slow germination then the first sowing germinated after the first ! Drying Coffee Grounds

Mill Green - Runner beans planted out, sweetcorn planted out into beds mulched with cut comfrey, Sprouts planted out,    

Spencer Road - Onions, Potatoes, Beetroots and infrastructure works. 

Home - Tomatoes finally get transplanted into flower buckets.  

As one expects there are items that are common to the month, it's interesting looking back at the work on my first plot and comparing that with the second. Most certainly having a plot to deal with has meant that the progress on the second plot has not been so swift.

Below is the to do list in no particular order and catching up with what actually happened in May and what has slipped

Spencer Road
  • As much infrastructure works as the weather will allow - Ongoing
  • Raise the paving for the greenhouse- Ongoing
  • Erect the greenhouse - Still waiting for the base to be completed
  • Make Air Onion raised bed frame.- stalled so they have been put into Bed 3
  • Make a decision about if to have permanent beds behind the fruit cages - Yes Behind  
  • Rhubarb Bed to be created - currently in flower buckets awaiting a permanent home 
  • Sow Potatoes - some more have gone in but it's getting too late
Mill Green

  • Tidy Up the Allotment - Ongoing
  • Hoop Cages and Netting for Onions from Mill Green to Spencer Road - Not Yet but blue pipe obtained and just found white rot on the onions
  • Install hoop eyes and training wires for trees - TBD
  • Plant Cauliflower Beds - TBD
  • Sow Carrot Bed - TBD
  • Trim the grapevine Back - TBD
  • Sow Potatoes in Buckets - Done
  • Sow Potatoes in the ground - TBD 
  • New Runner Bean Gallows Bracket installed - Done
  • Clear the crap out of the sheds - Started one done
  • Sow all the seeds Listed Here
  • Purchase vent opener for new greenhouse.- Not Yet 

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