
Tuesday 2 May 2017

Watering System For Spencer Road

On the weekend whilst shopping I picked up some three way male hose connectors and some female and female stop connectors as they were being sold at 50p each at TESCO.

The female stop connectors stop the water from flowing when there isn't something installed and after the problems I have had with the spray guns this year leaking on Mill Green after getting them out of storage and re fitting them. I have decided to install a stop connector at the end of each hose, so I can move the head from pipe to pipe rather than buy an end for each pipe.

Like Mill Green the intention is to limit the amount of dragging the hose around the plot by installing a system of hoses from left to right in the diagram above, one hose covers the Greenhouse, the next Beds 1-4, then 5 - 8, 9 -12 the fruit cages & Air Walking Onions then the Daleks and Comfrey Beds.

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