
Sunday 5 March 2017

Wet Sunday So Playing With Mushroom Trays.

The weather forecast had been overcast but dry for Sunday until yesterday. Then it all changed and It showed rain from around 7 in the morning ad forecast for lasting all day. But I was up early and I thought a dash to the allotment to drop off the bags of sand I picked up from B&Q and the onion bed weed membrane with 105 planting holes, perhaps even lay it and weight it down before the rain starts.

Two sacks of sand just inside the gates off I trot down the path to get the wheelbarrow and the heavens open. So I'm back a little damp but at least the sand is out of the boot of the car, and the weed membrane is in the shed ready for a dry visit.

On the way back home I went via the rear of the local café and picked up another four mushroom trays they have left out for the dust, I've been told I can help myself rather than having to go into the café to ask each time. Photo above was taken on a dry day during the week when I picked up the first load of trays.

The cunning plan is that I use the trusty soldering iron and remove the sides leaving a rim that can be cable tied together and make a mesh barrier around my walking / Air onion beds that are 600mm x 1200mm to keep the foxes out and stopping them from toppling the onions, it will also act as a bit of a wind barrier.  

The trays are 400mm x 300mm so staking them will give me an 800mm high fence. so that's 4 bottoms per end and 8 bottoms per side of the bed, so 24 mushroom tray bottoms per onion bed in all. They do come in different patterns and colours but I will try and group all the same type and colour together on each face. 

Seed sowing afternoon - These have gone into the Portable LED Grow Light Station  

1 x Replacement Cabbage - Savoy Estoril F1 
3 x Brussel Sprout - Breast F1
6 x Cauliflower - All The year Round
2 x Melon - Rugoso di Cosenza giallo
3 x Peppers - California Wonder

The tomatoes that were in the ikea mini greenhouse and were leaning towards the light have spent a couple of days in the portable LED light grow station and have straightened up nicely, these were decanted into the outside brick shed grow station. I will give the rest of the seeds a week to come through and if they don't I will sow some replacements. 

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