
Tuesday 14 February 2017

Planning & Reviewing Previous Years

A little late with the February review, note to self do it at the start of the month from now on ......

Reviewing the diary over the last four years for February

2013 - Planning, Infrastructure Works, Paving, Building a Cold frame, Wood chipping paths, Clearing Plot    

2014 - Transplanting Bluebells,  Planting Trees, Paving & Erecting Greenhouse Base

2015 - Sowing Cabbages, Digging Beds, Sowing Lettuce, Cauliflower, Chitting Potatoes, making Hoop Frames, Onions from Seed, Painting the Shed, Building & installing Raised Beds.

2016 - Base for the shed on Spencer Road. Erecting the Shed, Trimming shaggy weed membrane, gathering compost paper & Coffee Grounds.  

As with January so much depend on the weather, but the objectives for February 2017 are in many ways similar to those in February for the last four years, so here is the to do list in no particular order and catching up with what actually happened in Jan and what slipped.

Spencer Road
  • As much infrastructure works as the weather will allow - Ongoing
  • Raise the paving for the greenhouse- Ongoing
  • Weed the area and create Beds 6 & 8 for the onions - Not started too wet in Jan
  • Make another 2.4m x 1.2m Onion Planting Membrane - too wet in Jan
  • Make Walking Onion raised bed frames. too wet in Jan
  • Prepare Asparagus Bed
Mill Green
  • Tidy Up the Allotment - Ongoing
  • Clear The Greenhouse - Ongoing
  • Hoop Cages and Netting for Onions from Mill Green to Spencer Road - Not Yet
  • Drain and Move Nettle Water Butt to Spencer Road - Not Yet
  • Install hoop eyes and training wires for trees - Not Yet 
  • Prepare Cauliflower Beds
  • Warm Up Carrot Bed
  • Trim the grapevine Back
  • Clear the crap out of the sheds - Not Yet
  • Find a new home for lawn mover - Done
  • Set up growing station in the brick shed - Done
  • Sow Sprouts - Done
  • Chit Potatoes - Done
  • Sow Leeks
  • Sow Cauliflower
  • 2nd Sowing of Sprouts
  • Sow Cabbage
  • Sow Sweet Peppers
  • Already stocked up with coir for 2017, but I will need to replenish for 2018 - Started
  • I have another green house so will want a few more of Digital Thermometer from Lidl - Done
  • Check condition of saved seed potatoes in the shed after heavy frost - Not Yet 
  • Purchase vent opener for new greenhouse.- Not Yet 

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