
Sunday 11 December 2016

More Leaf Collection and Plot Clean Up

A return visit to my eldest daughter property this morning to collect the last remaining sacks of leafs, if it had not of rained I would have also picked up the council sacks on the pavement, but the three sacks in the back were full to the brim and the top of the sacks were level with the top of the front seats.

These were taken to Mill Green as the plan today was to harvest sprouts, which it has to be said are the worst sprout that I have ever grown. If you recall my sprouts died and I had to buy plants from Wyevale. Lesson learnt grow twice as many than you need and a week or two apart and give what you don't want away. 

Bed 15 was stripped of the framework that the Kiwano Cucumbers had been growing up and the weeds removed. The weeds were also removed from the paths around the bed. The paths are in desperate need of digging out and replacing with fresh woodchips, however the chap that used to arrange it for us has given up his plot, and the pick up and drop off area is not yet started, so there is nowhere to drop them that will not prevents at least three cars parking. 

The contractor is going to have to remove some trees so I intend to phone him on Monday and ask if the tree surgeon can leave the chips there for us to collect, and try and get some idea what the fence is being replaced and the pick up and drop off area is going to be established.

 Two sacks of leafs that came from my back garden and had been picked up with the lawn mower were spread over the bed and then watered in with comfrey water as an activator.

Finally the bed was covered with it's Winter weed membrane, the frame from one of the old pop bottle greenhouse was laid on top to hold down the membrane and a cut down bread basket and soft brick added to hopefully keep everything in place during high winds.

Other path arears have been cleared, the butternut squash foliage was added to the compost bin. Then four of the nine sprouts were harvested, the others are way too small to be harvested and I suspect they will more than likely end up becoming compost material.

Dalek one is once again half full with compost material, and a layer of brown, Verve compost and Coir from the tomatoes was added as browns to assist in the composting action and re energise the compost.

Water from the nettle bin was decanted into the comfrey bin, as I will eventually take the nettle bin to Spencer Road. So we are getting there slowly, I need to cut three more winter bed sheets to put the two sweetcorn beds and the butternut squash bed to sleep for the winter.

Not to self take 2017's plan down to the site so you know how to treat the beds before they are covered.

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