
Sunday 4 December 2016

Happiness is Making Compost

Today was the turn of Mill Green and Plot 1A, there was a hard frost and the top of the composting daleks were hairy with crystals, and there was ice floating on some of the flower buckets of water and one with a thick layer of ice on.

The two beds of sweetcorn stems, and the celery that was semi frozen made there way into compost bins 3 &4 topping them up to the brim. Compost bin 1 was decanted into compost bin 2 filling it to the brim. The rest was bagged up ready for use in the new year.

Dalek one now empty received a layer of grape vine that had been severely cut back. I'm thinking of having the three vines out and replacing with seedless grapes as the family at too spoilt and contend with pips. Cabbage, Runner Beans, Sweet Corn & Cucumber Foliage with a mix of the end of the Comfrey also made it into Dalek one with a little diluted golden magic. 

The bean trenches were weeded dug and composted. The invasive Hawthorne and brambles from plot 1 were cut back.   

The sun shone all morning and the temperature increased, Beautiful my robin appears to have a mate and was all around where I had been working. Happiness being on the plot and making compost   

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