
Saturday 19 November 2016

Scaffold Boards Committee Meeting & Slabs

Saturday is not my usual Allotment day over the weekend, I'm normally a Sunday morning kind of guy. But this Saturday Derek the site rep had arranged a small half truck and for us to collect some scaffold boards that are no longer fit for duty on a scaffold but will make a most excellent base to the greenhouse that is going to be placed next to the shed, a base to the fruit cages or small onion beds planned for between the fruit cages and the Daleks.

So up early and met with Del at 8:30 to load the van and then drop off to our plots. The committee meeting was fruitful, we have dropped off inside or pinned a notice to the sheds of plot holders that we don't currently have contact detail for. We also established that the little blighters have been back following the initial break-ins and have hit more sheds.

I had not noticed before but the also melted a hole in my blow away that is tied to the shed, so I guess I'm kinda lucky I still actually have a shed!

The next job at hand was to removed and distribute the stacked paving slabs that were on the paved area in the photograph above. Then I proceeded to rough level the paving slabs using the stones and debris that I have already excavated during my weeding and preparing the shed area and the first four beds and the comfrey beds and Dalek army at the rear of the plot.

Once the slabs are roughly level I will get some crushed glass to fill in the voids under the slabs and to provide me a better surface to get the slabs all even.

The amount of stone and debris I have so far has raised slabs as you can see in the photo above, the next job is to start digging beds 5 - 8 and use the risings to lift the rest of the slabs so that I can get the greenhouse erected for the end of March beginning of May. 

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