
Sunday 30 October 2016

Shovelling Horse Muck

The clocks went back last night or was it this morning, well anyway, up early and there is fog outside and set up the Spencer Road facebook group,

Once it was light an early/ late start on the plot depending if you go by the body clock or the re set clock and soon after arrival I was the only one on the plot and was shovelling horse muck

It looks like lots of people took advantage of the extra hour but I would rather get cracking. I tried the wheel barrow extender I bought on the first run, difficult to keep it from slipping down but the extended load did fill a complete bed in one trip.

Following trips were done with two flower buckets per trip filled and the horse manure built up around them.

I took a bucket of flowers to add to Dalek 2 which was watered down and then last years horse manure from a flower bucket added. Dalek 2 was teaming with red wrigglers so that combined with the drop in level I know that they are doing the business in there.

I managed to fill up Dalek 5 to the brim with new horse muck, and another Dalek horse manure filling session will take place once I have transferred the compost from Dalek 4 into Daleks 1 & 2 to top them up. The size of the pile, I should imagine I have a couple of weeks to get it done. 

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