
Sunday 2 October 2016

Plot 1A & 23B Infrastructure Works

Up late and a slow start mainly due to the darker mornings and a 30 minute telephone call from my little sister just as I was about to leave, so rather then being on the allotment before 9:00 I didn't get there until after 9:30.

A car had managed to miss the mill green turning complete and go up and over the anti-caravan humps on the field edging on the corner of the turning, slicing the top off the hump with the front of the car, and landing on the other side of the hump with it's arse in the air. it must have been too much speed and the driver lost control, perhaps a stolen joy ride.

Plot 1A was visited first to look for the membrane pegs. Redrow had been true to their word and removed the debris from behind the gate which is good as it means no more complaints from the plot holders.

The membrane pegs were not on the surface so I decided to use paving slabs and do without them at the moment. Watered the tomatoes and harvested what were red. The butternut squash are doing well but they need another week to get to a reasonable size or larger. So I'm hoping the frost will hold off for at least another week or two.

With the woodchip man delayed and hopefully coming soon I wanted to get the end of the plot sorted as best I could for the moment. The white water proof plastic did extend right to the back of the plot and I had drawn it back to get the comfrey beds in and then the Daleks.

The objective having installed the metal shelving between my plot and Adam along the boundary was to get the weed membrane in behind the Daleks and along the path. 

The small Dalek that was under one of the larger ones has been passed on to one of the new plot holders, the green dustbin and the now empty small Dalek and incinerator have now been placed along the boundary and the weed membrane is there ready for the woodchip to arrive.    

The very first signs of blight were showing on the Crimson Crush tomatoes so they were harvested and I achieved a whole carrier bag of mainly green fruit. The slug had started helping themselves to the ones touching the floor as the plant collapsed due to the sheer size and weight of the fruit..

Seed from the F2 plants Fruit have been saved and I will definitely be growing them again next year, only difference is I will be erecting a wigwam for support or using the professional square support frame with string and clips for support.

The other change is how early I will be sowing seeds and growing the plants as it's only the extended summer and record breaking temperatures in September this year with the resulting delay in blight that has allowed so many tomatoes to turn red and remain on the plants for so long.

The spring onions are finally at a size where they can be harvested, they were grown as usual but again seemed to take an absolute age to mature. Next year hopefully I will have some nice compost and manured beds for them to grow in.

Next visit the weed membrane around bed 4 and the path will be installed so that they can be wood chipped straight away when it finally arrives.  

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