
Sunday 24 July 2016

Shed Door / Gate

I have been far to busy with work to get down to the allotment during the week to do anything which is a real shame as the weather has been marvellous the last week if not tropical.

I would have liked a swift visit Saturday, but the support to the shed door/ gate has been on it's last legs for a year, I did a Heath Robinson on it as the washing machine and tumble dryer need to be removed in order to replace the supporting timber. Then the washing machine stopped working Tuesday !!.

No excuses now as the washing machine has to come out to be replaced. I looked for a gate kit and was shocked how expensive they had become in 25 years since I built the original. So I managed to make a new gate for less than half the price by buying economy decking and building it myself and painting all the timber before assembly ready for Saturday.

I managed to get it mounted with a little help from Keith who stood inside an held it up, once he left some tweaking of the internal benching that holds the tumble dryer over the washing machine, and I started some notching of the timber stop because this door has three horizontal bars rather than the original that only had two.

Another coat of paint Sunday morning, and collect the new washing machine Sunday afternoon.

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